Leather Covering
Golf Tees
Cheesecloth or Rubberized Padding
Spray Paint
Cardboard for Paint Stencils
Gorilla Glue (or similar hardcore adhesive)
Duct Tape
Plastic Skulls and Halloween Decorations
Screw-on Biker/Heavy Metal Studs
Punk Rock Wristbands
Left-overs from Garbage Can pieces
Sheet of Fabric (match your army colors)
Use your Imagination for more!

Gather whatever assets you can to take this bad boy (or girl) to the next level. Take a look at your finished LARP armor and medieval weaponry. Think about which of the following items apply and what other colors to use, depending on your selected army.

A) Cut fabric to a rectangular shape, shoulder-width wide. For length, place it above your head and cut evenly just below your waist. Cut a hole directly in the center for your head to go through. Paint or decorate if you wish, but remember this usually goes BELOW the chest armor so be sure to place details in positions where they are still visible.

B) Take the left-over garbage can plastic and create shoulder, forearm, shin and leg guards. Choose the ones you want and use your imagination for more locations. (Codpiece, anyone?)

C) Cut stencils into shapes to paint on the armor. Something about the size of your hand in the chest piece center looks great and feel free to paint whatever else you like.

D) Cut leather or cheesecloth/padding (painted silver) into wide strips. Position where you like. Can go vertically on the chest piece, on the helmet band, the hilts and handles of weapons, etc. Drive thumbtacks into the strips for a "pop-rivet" or bolted look.

E) Paint golf tees black, silver or gold and glue in place for large spikes. Can go on armor, shield or on the helmet, whereever you want!

F) Glue decorative skulls, crosses and other Halloween gear on the armor, shield or helmet.

G) Make it cool. Add blood spatter by flicking red paint from a brush or look up "knights" and "heraldry" on the web for some unique period references. Just paint and glue the heck out of it, get as much decoration on there as you like.

Go ahead, ROCK OUT with your LARP OUT!